Can anyone tell me why the PA is so loud at Southampton Airport - its incredibly loud and with continual announcements of flight departures it really grates and makes you really grateful to get on a plane .
Actually was at Southampton to catch an Eastern Airlines plane:
14.50 Arrive Airport:
10.55 to Leeds due to depart 15:30
16:00 to Leeds due to depart 16.35
14:52: Check-in Eastern Airways use J41s so lose 1 handluggage to Hold. Check-in lady says my plane is late and when will take-off when the plane gets down from Leeds. mmmh that means my plane logically can't leave until 2.5 hours after it leave Southampton for the first time - 16:35 no chance - time for some lunch.
1500: try and make some calls sunk by the PA again.
15:10 Stag party to ?? has taken over the bar area so get a sandwich and pint and sit in the cafe.
15:15 10:55 Cancelled they are put on my flight due to the fact they can't fix their plane.
15:40 enjoying Pint and sandwich - it's been a long week Marseilles/edinburgh/southampton all in the same week
15:41 My flight is boarding eh - rush for security - another middle manager emerges from WH Smith and has the same realisation. Computers have to be removed @ security- (useless Traveller Fact that all UK BAA airports they insist on removing computers but at Humberside & Leeds (not owned BAA) they don't bother). Have never managed to purloin a better computer as part of this process!
15:54 Boarded on my plane - profuse apologies and boiled sweet for the 10:55 flight travellers.
ah well another friday afternoon at an airport